Sunday 26 October 2008

Week commencing 20th October

These last two weeks have been very hectic. We’ve been doing a lot of detailed work on scenes. Quite a few people have their books down and the difference is noticeable. It’s at this stage the final details of the blocking get set. With a book in your hand it can be hard to get a fix on where you are on stage.

We’re all finding the play has more depth than we thought. However, it’s also funnier than we first thought and the little idiosyncrasies of each person are shining though. What’s nice is that all Father Flotte’s band of players are developing into likeable people.

While all that goes on the Production Manager’s work is never done. We’re slowly tracking down the props, though some are still giving me trouble. We need a wooden wheelbarrow. All the ones I’ve tracked down are too small. I have a vested interest in this wheelbarrow – for reasons that will be clearer if you come and see us. We also need a cart for carrying corpses and Mother Metz.

I think I made a bad mistake last week taking Ian the Director to Stratford to see David Tennant in ‘Love’s Labours Lost’ and ‘Hamlet’. The plays were wonderful. However, the RSC always makes him discontented and wanting things he can’t have! The next production meeting involved a long discussion about flying things. Dave, the lighting person, has gone away to see if we have enough pulleys!

I’ve sat through a lot of these meetings while the tech crew try to negotiate about snow, rain and glitter to name just a few of the director’s ideas. My function is to speak as an actor, audience and general devil’s advocate.

This week we run the play. This is always a nerve wracking experience for cast, crew and director. We always decide that the play will run for at least nine hours and nobody will come and see it. This is a perfectly normal reaction. Adding in the music really adds to the atmosphere.

Richard, the stage manager, is working on the sound effects. Being a computer war game expert he’s got access to the strangest noises. Just as well with this play!

It’s all starting to come together but there’s a way to got yet – more ginseng and Earl Grey tea!

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